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      Red Cross and World Food Program are the 2 big global food distributors in times of regional and national crises; and the World Food Program lists the key causes of hunger:
Conflict (war)
Natural disasters
Over-exploitation of the environment
Poor agricultural infrastructure.
Today, farmers are producing more than enough food to feed today’s world population; but
We feed so much of the corn to cows (beef for many humans)
So much corn goes into ethanol
20 – 50% of world’s food is wasted
Poor people cannot afford the food.
High energy costs, climate change, and rising population are driving up the cost of food. In 2008 -2009, in Zambia, Africa, food prices went up 40% putting millions of people into poverty and the people toppled the government—many hungry people will go to revolution because they feel they have nothing to lose. Food, water, and energy shortages could bring more poverty and civil unrest around the world.
     To decrease world hunger:
The world needs vast, local food systems along 

 with the global food systems. The local food systems must surround cities as a line of defense against Technology must be regionally specific. American seeds don’t work well in African soil. Governments must be willing to regulate for sustainable farming.
Food Tank offers environmentally sustainable ways to alleviate hunger, obesity, and poverty.
The global workforce (those working in global businesses) has doubled in size over the past 30 years; but it has also doubled the shipping costs and ruined much of our natural environment. The U.S. government subsidizes the transportation costs of shipping the U.S. gmo corn down the Mississippi River and across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa to underprice (competition) the African corn farmers. The goal is to make the world rely on U.S. gmo corn. US shouldn’t afford to do this because of US national debt; but the U.S. is the only country to amass such debt because the U.S. dominance in the financial aftermath of WWII permitted only US to have unlimited debt (until countries cash in their US Treasury bonds and US can’t fulfill their obligations.) China still continues to buy some U.S. treasury bonds, though they are buying less than they used to. China buys the bonds to keep the U.S. government afloat while the U.S. citizens remain China’s no. 1 export market. When China finds enough other countries to export big amounts to, they will cash in their U.S. treasury bonds and bankrupt the U.S. government. Many other countries will also stop doing business with the U.S. This 

shouldn’t surprise Americans for a couple of reasons. First, no country has remained no. 1 forever.  Secondly, like Rome, the U.S. has spent so much on their military protecting U.S. international business sites (the new colonization) to enforce their no. 1 status in countries where the average people don’t even want them around. The average U.S. citizens will suffer the most because of the U.S. bankruptcy; and the wealthy may have to downgrade a bit but will continue to dominate (not in numbers, but in power) and not care much about the average citizens. Average U.S. citizens will lose their cars and often their homes; and those U.S. average citizens that survive will live more like the workforce in China and other countries. Management will provide more affordable housing and grocery stores for employees near businesses like Disney did in the past. When Disney World, Florida, was built, they also built places for employees to live because low paid workers can’t afford to drive too far to go to work. When China built many new factories without air conditioning, they also built housing without air conditioning and public transportation for employees because their low paid workers can’t afford to drive at all. U.S. businesses should build public transportation so that workers can get to work without cars (the second biggest expense for most workers.) The U.S. workers living standards are already decreasing and will decrease much more in the future. Learning to live without a car will put them more in line with the average worldwide workers.

ZButterfly Flower  photo
GMO corn animation
Butterfly flower photo