Birds pagr name photo

      P arrots are more plentiful in aviaries than in the wild. Poaching is the big problem. On the other hand, what I don't see as a problem is native people eating any parrot they can kill within 5 miles of their village (the hunting range of native people on foot)? One solution of keeping more parrots in the wild has been the creation of eco-tourism. Rich people visit countries

with wild animal preserves; and the people observe the animals in their natural habitat. Also, many parrots produce 3 offspring each spring; the parents usually can only feed 2 of the chicks so the third one dies; but in eco-tourism, the third chick is often fed by hand and often fed by tourists; so, the parrot population is increased and the native people are helped by

the tourist industry. This web site was designed as a project of one of Randy’s (my husband) computer classes. Parrots routinely shed and replace their feathers. Randy collects shed tail feathers of his 3 pet macaw parrots (born in the U.S.A.) and sells them on e-bay; these long, beautiful tail feathers are used in art projects, costuming, and wall décor. Will we be good stewards of the Earth?

Scarlet macaw photos
Bird animation
Green wing macaw photo